Setting up neo4j server
Setting up neo4j server

setting up neo4j server setting up neo4j server

Neo4jshell::neo4j_import(con = neo_server, source = datafile, import_dir = impdir) # path to import directory on remote 'Neo4J' server (should be relative to user home directory on remote server) Loadcsv_CQL <- "LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///data.csv' etc etc " # CQL query to write data from datafile to 'Neo4J' # csv data file to be loaded onto 'Neo4J' server (path relative to current working directory) Neo_server <- list(address = "bolt://", uid = "neo4j", pwd = "password") # credentials (note no port required in server address) If not, a different set of credentials will be needed for using neo4j_import(). This example assumes that the URL of the server that hosts the ‘Neo4J’ database is the same as the bolt URL for the ‘Neo4J’ database. In this general example, we can see how these functions can be used for smooth ETL to a remote ‘Neo4J’ server.

  • neo4j_rmdir() removes entire specified subdirectories from specified ‘Neo4J’ import directory.
  • neo4j_rmfiles() removes specified files from specified ‘Neo4J’ import directory.
  • neo4j_import() imports a csv, zip or tar.gz file from a local source into the specified ‘Neo4J’ import directory, uncompresses compressed files and removes the original compressed file as clean up.
  • For newer versions, which have multi-tenancy, you can use the database argument to specify the database to query. Older versions of ‘Neo4J’ and ‘cypher-shell’ (<4.0) will require the encryption argument to be explicitly 'true' or 'false'. # set credentials (no port required in bolt address) neo_movies (m:Movie) m.title #> 1 Ron Howard Frost/Nixon #> 2 Rob Reiner A Few Good Men #> 3 Ron Howard Apollo 13 You can install the released version of neo4jshell from CRAN with: If not, you should record its location for use in some of the functions within this package. It is recommended, for ease of use, that the path to the ‘cypher-shell’ executable is added to your PATH environment variable. It can also be installed standalone using Homebrew or is available here. This is installed as standard in ‘Neo4J’ installations and can usually be found in the bin directory of that installation. This package also requires the ‘cypher-shell’ executable to be available locally. See the vignettes for the ssh package here for more details. This package requires the ssh package for interacting with remote ‘Neo4J’ databases, which requires libssh to be installed. A wide variety of other functions are offered that allow importing and management of data files for local and remote servers, as well as simple administration of local servers for development purposes.

    setting up neo4j server setting up neo4j server

    The goal of neo4jshell is to provide rapid querying of ‘Neo4J’ graph databases by offering a programmatic interface with ‘cypher-shell’.

    Setting up neo4j server